One Day Toddler Classes

One Day Toddler classes are for children who are at least 12 months, 

but not yet 24 months as of August 31st, 

(along with their special adult)

Classes meet at the South Seattle College Childcare Building, on the South end of campus

Choose one (or more!) morning a week

from 9:30am-11:30am; M, T, W, or Th

Children’s Program

Your child’s Preschool Teacher provides an enriching environment just right for young children to explore and learn.

  • Just imagine your child splashing in the water table, making messy art, building with blocks, playing with trains, sitting for a healthy snack, joining friends to climb, dance, and sing!
  • Some children are not ‘toddling’ when they begin school, but they will be soon enough!

Parent Education & Support

Parent, grandparent, nanny, or other special adult attends with their child and is automatically enrolled in the South Seattle College Parent Education program.  Your Parent Educator is there in class each week, checking in individually and leading a discussion group to provide the latest in child development and guidance.

  • Just imagine talking about tantrums, picky eaters, midnight wakers, furniture climbers, brain growth, language development, and more with other people who understand and a parent educator who has tips to help! 
  • Adults learn tips about interacting with all the children – and see how their own child is learning to be with other little ones.
  • Grown-ups start building their own parenting support system and making connections with other families.

Parent Involvement

As a member of this Co-op, the adult commitment is: 

  • Attend class one day each week, working alongside the Children’s Teacher interacting with the children … or alternating every week into Discussion Group with the Parent Educator.
  • Attend an evening Class Meeting, once per quarter to learn about guidance and discipline to use at home and at school…and have an adult night out together!  
  • Choose and hold a preschool job that fits your interests, skill, and time (i.e. Community Builder, Class Treasurer, Play-Dough Maker, Librarian)
  • Choose one quarterly parent education seminar from a variety of topics such as: Sleep, Sibling Relationships, Guidance & Discipline, Raising an Only Child, Potty Training, Picky Eating, Anti-bias Parenting, and many more!

Because this is a family program, other adults—grandparents, nannies, aunties, etc.– are welcome to attend and help fulfill these commitments.


Registration Fee – $85

Tuition: $86/month 

Tuition assistance is available through our Mary E. Phillips Scholarship Fund, administered through our Parent Advisory Council.  Applications are due quarterly to your parenting educator; more information available here.

Choosing a Class

**All four Toddler classes meet at the SSC Campus Lab School**, a ‘satellite location’ for each of our neighborhood Co-op Preschools.  Classes run from 9:30-11:30am.  There is a  fee to park on campus.  You choose your class according to: the day of the week that best fits your schedule, to coordinate with friends in the program, or to establish connection (and eventual priority registration) with your neighborhood preschool.





Lincoln Park Co-op Preschool

Admiral Co-op Preschool

Alki Co-op Preschool

White Center Co-op Preschool

Teacher Linda Plankinton

Teacher Kim Seater

Teacher Kim Seater

Teacher Linda Plankinton

Interested in Registration?

Until early September, you can register easily online by visiting our Enrollment page – all the information and forms are available there.  After that time please use the contact information below to see if we have space available.

More questions or concerns?  We are happy to talk with you personally: 

Phone – 206-773-8066 

Email – [email protected]