What is a parent’s role at preschool?
“Parenting is easier and more fun because of my involvement in Co-op Preschool!” “I love meeting my child’s little friends…and watching him interact with the teacher he loves! ” “I get ideas about things to do at home….or I just leave those creative activities for school–without feeling guilty!”
Parents get to:
- Assist the teacher in the classroom one session a week
- Attend a monthly, evening parent meeting to discuss business and parenting topics
- Help with the running of the preschool by holding a class job (everything from Board President to Play Dough Maker and plenty in between)
- Attend a parent education seminar each quarter – see the most recent slate here
- Provide a healthy snack on a rotating basis
“People who have not been in co-op think it’s too much work–but the truth is that parents can devote according to their time, skills, and interests. I love being involved in my child’s school!”
Parent Education
“The parent education part of Co-op Preschool is what makes Co-op different from other preschools!”
Parent Education, which follows the Positive Discipline philosophy, is provided by parenting educators from South Seattle College through:
- Discussions at monthly parent meetings
- A list of parent education seminars to choose from such as: Guidance & Discipline, Raising Boys/Girls, Separation, Sleep
- Informal chats with your parenting instructor
- Experiential participation in your child’s preschool
“The parenting educators really got to know me and my child. I found their support invaluable!” “Because we are all learning together we made friends with parents who had similar parenting values and styles.”
All of our instructors are skilled in the Adlerian Positive Discipline guidance philosophy that encourages parents to be both kind and firm, to take into account what each child brings to the world, to use tools that are effective for the long term, to raise children who are capable contributors to home, school and the larger community.