We'd love to have you join Co-op!
Please have a look at the information below and if you have any questions, please contact our registration team.
How is Co-op Preschool scheduled and when can I sign up?
Our program runs from September through May, just like a school year for older children.
Open Enrollment for the following Fall, for new students, starts in February.
Continuous enrollment throughout the year is on a space available basis–feel free to contact us.
Which class is for my child?
Visit our Preschool Class List for all the classes available, or you can download the 2025/26 Preschool Class List.
Each preschool location offers a different variety of classes.
The number of classes your child attends each week depends on his or her age.
The age cutoff is August 31st, following school year guidelines at most elementary schools.
Can I see the school and classroom before I choose?
We welcome visitors to view our preschools and meet our teachers! Tours can be arranged through May. You may visit more than one site, as you can list a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice when registering. Tours are adult only when visiting a prospective class for next year. Email the contact person for the class you are interested in to arrange a visit!
To arrange a visit, please use this Tour Interest Contact Form. Parent coordinators for the classes you select will reach back out to you
Have more questions? Contact us HERE for:
More information about our programs.
Specific offerings at each of our West Seattle Preschool neighborhood locations.
Current openings.